Welcome to WAVA Clubs! Our Clubs are held virtually through links below or found on the OLS. Clubs begin in October and meet weekly through May. See Schedule Below.
​WAVA Clubs Begin in October
*No club meetings on No School Days and Holiday/Breaks​
Open Now: WAVA Zone is open M-F, 12-4pm for all students K-8, National for 9-12
Access through your OLS​
Starting in October: Questions, contact Hailey Chamberlain, hchamberlain@wava.org, hchamberlain@K12.com
WAVA Clubs Include:
Baking, Thursdays, 2pm link​​
Art K-5, Tuesdays, 2:30pm link​​
Art MS/HS, Wednesdays, 2:30pm link
Music K-5, 2nd Wednesday of the Month, 3pm, link coming soon
Music 6-12th, 3rd Wednesday of the Month, 3pm, link coming soon
Dungeons and Dragons HS, Wednesdays, 4pm, link
Dungeons and Dragons MS, Tuesdays, 3pm link
Fitness K-12, Tuesdays, 2pm, link
Book Club 9-12, Fridays, 1pm link
GLSEN K-12, Mondays, 3pm, link
ASB MS, Tuesdays 12pm (starting October 15th), link
ASB HS, Tuesdays, 8:15-9am Class Connect
Competitive Esports League (age 13 and up) Tuesdays 12pm, link
Competitive Robotics Team (4th grade and up) *sign-ups begin in Nov/Dec
CTSO Clubs through our CTE (grades 7th and up) *email tkreilmann@wava.org
K12 National Clubs can include a variety of options throughout the year
​Visit online to find out what is currently offered: https://www.k12.com/extracurricular-activities/ (clubs vary throughout the year)
K12 Club Questions, clubs@K12.com, enrichment@stridelearning.com
National Clubs are for students from all over K12
National Clubs can include: Music, Theater, Minecraft, Cooking, Lego, Coding and more!
Competitions and Contests: